Enhancing Mental Health of Children with Juvenile Arthritis

Little Sarah woke up with a swollen and unbearable pain in her finger. As she cried in pain, her parents panicked trying to figure out the cause of their daughter's swollen finger. They had a shock of their lives when their 6-year-old child was diagnosed with Juvenile idiopathic arthritis. “I might look like a normal child, but my insides were screaming in pain every day. I can't eat, dress and even speak sometimes. It is even worse than living lonely,” said Sarah now 18. Just like Sarah, there are about 300,000 children who are suffering from Juvenile Arthritis (JA) and about 1 in 250 children are diagnosed with arthritis in the United States. The most common type of childhood arthritis is Juvenile idiopathic arthritis. 'July' is marked as a juvenile arthritis awareness month to increase awareness for early signs and symptoms of JA and even appreciate little warriors who are bravely battling with this disease. Arthritis is commonly associated with ol...